Metopia Deep Signal examines the signals from Wifi and Mobile phones in our environment. The information in the invisible electro-magnetic propagation creates a flow of utterances in rhythmic patterns from the voice of Nuria Divi (NYC), using sonification techniques and machine learning to activate the listener to explore the environment.
This research has been presented at conferences such as International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) in 2016, Utrecht, 2018, Daegu, Keynote speaker at Arts in the Environment, 2017 Helsinki, Open Fields Conference 16/17/20, Riga, International Conference on Auditory Display 2015, Graz. International Symposium of Electronic Arts 2015 at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, The Internet of Things: The Philosophy 14 at York University, UK, and International Sympoium on Electronic Arts, ISEA 08/14/15/16/19. It was also presented at the Sound Forms Symposium in Copenhagen in 2018.
Many thanks to Elektronmusikstudion, EMS, in Stockholm, Sweden, Ax:son Johnson Foundation, and Sound Forms in Copenhagen 2018.